Fleur de Dee (silverdee) wrote,
Fleur de Dee

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Short Update

I am increasingly saddened and worried by the situation in New Orleans. I have just started seeing pictures of the flooding and devastation since I got back to work yesterday at an office here in Jackson. It is so difficult to see the images of the desperate people who were unable to leave because of lack of transportation and are now battling the flood waters and heat along with the lack of drinking water and food.

I just wanted to do a quick update. Juannie, the pups and I are fine. We are so lucky to have power and a dry place to stay with our dear friend in Jackson. We do not have cable or internet where we are staying so I have not been able to post. My family is fine. My parents decided at the last minute to evacuate and it is such a good thing that they did. My parents live about a mile from Juannie and me. We think that we had at least two feet of water in our houses based on reports from that area.

Please contact your Senators and Representatives and ask them to move quickly to provide aid for all of the people affected by Katrina in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. And please pray for everyone affected. It will be at least a month before I can return to my house in Kenner and several months before most people living in the city of New Orleans will be able to get home because of the massive flooding there.
Tags: evacuation, new orleans, storm, weather

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