Fleur de Dee (silverdee) wrote,
Fleur de Dee

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Meeting of The Minds

I met the smart, lovely and fun yellowdoggrl today. It was my first in person meeting with someone I connected with on LJ. Over the last few months, we've discovered that we have lots of stuff in common (some of it weird like brothers with celebrated Mardi Gras costumes) and it was wonderful to spend time with her. I hope we can meet again very soon!

It's my second get-together in a week with a friend who's on LJ. Last Friday, I went with another smart, lovely and fun lady, phoenix_anew, to see her talented beau, Jack Locke, play an acoustic set at The Neutral Ground. I did know her as a work friend, though, before finding out that we share the habit of LJ.

The internet is a weird yet wonderful place I think. I get to share parts of myself thanks to LJ that don't get expressed on a regular basis at work or even at home. I can get all fangirlish over The Office, NPR or Clive Owen while posting geeky astronomy and nature news stories that don't interest Juannie. And I have the chance to discuss any of my interests with like-minded folks through LJ.

I do think that it takes a certain type of person to apply themselves to journaling in this fashion. And it's been freeing to learn that there are lots of others in the world who are in their own ways as obsessive as I am.
Tags: friends, lj

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