Nineteen Eighty Four
Into Thin Air
Wuthering Heights
Rosencrantz and Guildentstern Are Dead
Brave New World
The Hobbit
The Godfather
Interpreter of Maladies
A Map of the World
The Hours
The Jane Austen Book Club
The Birth of Venus
Prodigal Summer
White Oleander
A Widow for One Year
Family Orchard
Six Wives The Queens of Henry VIII
The Last Madam
Corelli's Mandolin
Memoir From Antproof Case
The Red Tent
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Back When We Were Grownups
Stories of Nabokov
The Shipping News
A Short History of a Prince
I count 28 books. And that will grow if I buy or receive any books between now and the end of the day on my 39th birthday. Any books acquired after that will have to wait. Let's hope I hold to my resolution.