Fleur de Dee (silverdee) wrote,
Fleur de Dee

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My Juannie has a big job interview starting in less than a half hour. I am very nervous for him! When I left for work, he was calmly ironing his clothes. I told him last night that I am very proud of him and that I really think all of his hard work, perseverance and experience have prepared him for this new job.

My stomach is in knots and I will be preoccupied until I hear from him. Then after the interview, we will have to wait to find out if he got the job.

**Update** Juannie doesn't think he did well during the interview but he is very hard on himself. He said he got nervous after I left for work. I am sure he did fine. I hope we hear one way or the other soon. Waiting on this kind of news makes me crazy.
Tags: juannie, work

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